Wednesday 2 May 2012


CRM cycle.

Above shown is the CRM cycle.Where it is shown that how sales follow the order and order are supported and marketing is done to increase sales.

In a organisation they have CRM system i.e Client relationship management.It generally a phase which is followed by one another.As the goods are produced the marketing is done to generate new sale and more sales. As the sales increases and customer get order it is tally and keep on records so that it can be used for future reference.Also once the orders are completed there are some areas where customer are not happy about there for the support team collect all the information and get feed back from the customer and pass it to marketing department so that marketing team can figure out the exact need of the clients and pass the manufacturer what need to be done to fulfill the  demand of clients. And all this process increases the sales and reputation of the organisation.To keep track of all this in a professional word is CRM.managing the clients and all field.


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